DigSim Components
Here is the list of implemented components, their features, configurable properties and bugs.

  • Button: Very simple input button implementation. The button has no parameters and changes from one state to another without any delay.
    State: Working
  • Clock: Component generating a clock signal. There are 4 parameters for the rise, high, fall and lowtime. During rise and fall the component output has unknown state.
    State: Working
  • Debug component: The debug component has an adjustable number of inputs. It writes one line of text to the console every time the inputs change (normal mode) or every rising edge of a clocksignal (clock mode). The message string contains tokkens, which are substituted with the pin values before writing it to the console.
    The clockmode is currently not implemented, only binary output format mode implemented, changing of size and number of pins missing.
    State: Experimental, Incomplete
  • Gal 16V8 (Lattice): This component simulates the behaviour of the 16V8 programmable gal. Currently only simplemode and registered mode are implemented, but only the simple mode was tested and compared with real hardware.
    State: Experimental, Incomplete
  • Inverter: Simple inverter gate implementation. The propergation time though the gate is configurable (default 1ns).
    State: Working
  • SmallLed: Simple one-input led which shows black(0), red(1), gray(HiZ) and yellow(unknown, collision).
    State: Working


0.00Prototype to check concepts.
0.03Components Gal, Clock, Button, Led and Inverter working.
0.04Files with configuration parameters now in XML.
Bugfixes that allow application start with javaws.
0.0523.12.2002Loading of circuit files via http. features in component configurator added, parameter model restructured.
Usefull tooltips in CircuitCanvas added.
BugFix for ugly graphic update.
Source distribution improved, now buildfile, startup scripts, example included.
0.07futureDrag of components implemented.

Last updated 9.1.2003